
How to Become a Professional Fiction Writer

Do you have all that is needed to become a great fiction writer? Transforming into a great fiction writer requires a lot more study and practice. You will have to learn and understand the essence in the writing of other novelists. Anyone can write a novel. Youngsters often start writing short stories even if they have not mastered the rules and nuances of the language.

Many stories and novels written by adults are not even published even after spending days, months, and years. It’s because they give up when things get tough or get discouraged by rejections.

Some don’t have the patience to listen to criticism or try to improve when they make mistakes. Ever wondered how to write fiction and what is needed for writing great fiction?. All it needs is hard work, efforts, and determination to complete the story that you had started.

How to Become a Fiction Writer

A great fiction writer evolves with time, life experience, and practice. Here are some tips on how to become a fiction writer and earn more.

Step 1: To understand the essence of a good writing and storytelling technique, you should read a wide range of books. This doesn’t mean copying or imitating the writing style of other writers, but you can learn from their techniques.

Step 2: A fiction is more of a conversation type. So to write better dialogue, listen to how people speak. Eavesdrop the conversation between people, whether it is a coffee shop or bus. Understand the rhythm and manner of speaking in different people. You may even steal a fun dialogue and use it in your story.

Step 3: Reading your work out loud will help your writer smoother and will help you identify the unnecessary words that have to be removed, and the missing words that have to be added.

Step 4: As a novelist, one might have to do a live reading too. This will build your confidence and you will get an idea of where people laugh and where they cry while you read for them.

Step 5: Practice makes a man perfect. Write daily. It’s okay if it’s not perfect, but make sure to write every day.

Step 6: Meet writing friends who can inspire you and help you generate ideas for writing. They will always motivate you.

Step 7: A good editor will help educate you more about grammar rules and how to improve your unique writing style as well as enhance the essence of the story

Step 8: Let the emotions flow in your writing. The story doesn’t need to be real, but the emotions it holds should be.

Only fiction writers will know what’s real and what isn’t in the story they write.

Freelance Fiction Writing Jobs in Practice

There are a lot of freelance fiction writing jobs in the market. If freelance fiction writing is something you want to pursue, then here are the types of jobs for you to choose from

1. Creative Writing

Some media companies look for a few comedy screenwriters for two pilots. The duration will be a maximum of 3 months, and the working hours shall be less than 10 hours a week.

2. Science Fiction Writing

There is a craze for a well-written science fiction story. Most science fiction gives preference to language, and the stories should be compelling.

3. Ghostwriter for a short, 25-page Fiction Stories

Some clients will provide you with the setting, characters, and ideas. All you have to do is to come up with a story.

4. Horoscope / Live advice

If you are someone who likes Astrology and philosophy, then you can become a Horoscope writer. Advice/Forecasts should be general and suitable for zodiac signs.

5. Kindle Writer

There are individuals or publishing companies that hire writers for writing kindle romance novels. All that is expected of you is excellent grammar and zero plagiarism and professionalism.

Making Money as a Fiction Writer

Most of the writers have always had this one question in mind. “How to make money writing fiction?”. Is it even possible ?. Yes, it is. You can make money writing fiction, but you may have to think outside the box to become a great fiction writer.

Many fiction writers out there always give up their writing in frustration as their short stories or books are;t selling or some might be rejected for publishing too.

Making money as a fiction writer means you must draw upon your creativity and writing skills to write fiction that is trending or on-demand. Writing what you wish to print is okay, but you must also learn to write what other people are willing to pay you for.

Connect with other writers and receive some great writing tips, as well. Its perfectly alright even if it is small, but develop your website. There are books and websites available to walk you through the process.

Keep writing your short fiction and novels, but think outside the box for more opportunities to make money as a great fiction writer(1). All you need to do is focus entirely on your fiction writing each day.