Stop Chasing Clients! Find Out How to Generate Continuous Freelance Business


Facing challenges in finding clients overtime? Since the time you begun your freelance career, you might be tried every way to find clients. In fact, you might have spent hours on job sites, cold mails, and passing out business cards.

Word of mouth and cold-emailing are the most effective means of finding clients, but they will not guarantee work. Finding clients all the time is tough and it takes a lot of hustle. Here, we share you the tips that might be help you bring in clients rather you chase them.

Stop Chasing Clients

When you stop chasing clients, you are investing in professionalism and you start playing the long-term game leading to success. Instead of spending time on chasing clients you can invest time on your providing value to your business.Stop Chasing Clients and not get screwed by clients

The Key Solution

Focus more on building brand, setting up a professional website along with quality content, to draw client’s attention. Clients will not able to find you if your portfolio stagnate online. Be more specific about every person you follow online or those that you look up to.

What Sort of Content Adds Value?

Create case studies for your previous work, share your work process, write tutorials, share your experiences and write about challenges you came across and how did you overcome. Clients will come to you not by marketing but by providing some value for free useful for them.

The work you got should be your priority, but when you are doing client work you should be creating content for your business. Try to figure out how to word things for target audience, how to make users through call to action and how to turn a client into a project.

If you continuously add quality to the service you provide, then probably the right clients will find you. If you are ready to build branding, make a name for yourself, here is what you can do to pull clients towards you:

  • Develop your website so you can build online presence through writing
  • Share your views, thoughts and work items on social media platforms
  • Write case studies for the projects you handled
  • Try to take the reviews from clients you’ve worked so far
  • Change the way you choose clients so that you can land better projects

Invest your time in carrying out activities listed above instead of continuous follow-ups and sending cold calling emails. This will surely yield the best results at a faster pace.

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