11 Best Jobs for People with Depression

People with Depression

Depression is a rapidly growing mental health problem today, which can turn fatal if left untreated. Although jobs for people with depression can be challenging, it is not a major hindrance. Studies have shown that in mild to moderate cases of depression, working in an environment with increased activity, significantly reduced the symptoms in comparison to stopping work and reclining towards isolation. Occupying jobs give people with depression social status, social contact, mental activity, a way to organize life, a sense of purpose and belongingness, chance to improve skills, and of course, financial stability.

Check out the types of job environment and the best jobs for people with depression should work in.

Working Conditions for People with Depression

Symptoms of Depression

Understanding Depression is very important. Of course, you may not feel like going for work and sticking to bed occasionally, but if that feeling, along with certain other symptoms lingers for more than two weeks, you may be facing a serious condition, known as Clinical Depression. Some of the common symptoms that can interfere with the patients’ life include:

         Loss of interest to accomplish day-to-day activities

         Suicidal thoughts

         Hopelessness and sadness

         Loss or increase in appetite

         Drastic weight gain or loss

         Bouts of anger or excessive irritability       

         Headache, fatigue, sleepiness, back pain, and forgetfulness

These symptoms are often self-diagnosable. If you notice these changes in you or in someone else, seek out professional help at the earliest.


Favorable Working Conditions

Depression is more than just feeling low or blue. Considering the current lifestyle and competition, mild depression can develop into a life-threatening illness. Medication, coupled with compassion, understanding, counseling, and concrete planning become an essential course of treatment. Therefore, you must work in an environment that offers all of the above. We have listed jobs environments that are ideal for you:

Low-Stress – Jobs that are engaging and that does not allow you to worry constantly and obsessively is ideal for you. Excessive free time can trigger unpleasant thoughts. Hence, the work should keep you occupied but not overstressed.

Low Noise – Although many constructive jobs do have people working and chatting around, depression people with anxiety issues should avoid crowds and look for jobs that reflect peace and calmness. Such work includes gardening, yoga instructing, fine arts, etc.

“Focus-friendly” Work – Find jobs that allow you to stay focused and productive. Jobs with unwarranted social interaction can trigger anxiety and panic attack in you, which may incapacitate your calm and composed mind.  Avoid work environments that need excessive human interactions.

11 High-Paying Jobs for People with Depression

Jobs that boost your strengths and balance your weaknesses are ideal. Search for jobs in fields that interest you and that urge you to use your brain. Therefore, home based jobs are great for beginners. You will be able to meet your financial obligations while keeping your personal environment quieter. Let’s explore the best job options for you:

1.     Content Writing

Penning your thoughts down is a great way to relieve stress. If the work pays you well, then it is even better. You can be a full-time writer or a freelancer. Some of the writing jobs you can explore are blogging, news article writing, ad copywriting, web content writing, etc. However, choose a niche that interests you. Don’t try to be a jack of all trades. Just select three or four industries and search writing projects that involve them.

2.     Household Jobs

Jobs under this category are less stressful and less monotonous. The good part is that you have different options, such as freelance or as per contract. Household jobs that you can explore are housekeeping, dishwashing, pet walking, plumbing, voice talent, etc.

3.     Park Ranger

As a park ranger, you can work in local parks, historic sites, national and state parks, and other recreational centers. Most park managers seek dedicated nature lovers who can look after the land, amenities, administration, visitors, and services of the parks.

4.    Landscaping

Landscaping is one of the most revitalizing jobs, for it allows you to stay in constant touch with nature. Landscapers need not deal with any kind of peer pressure. You are allowed to work at your own space and pace without interruption or distraction. You will find landscaping jobs at private companies, malls, golf clubs, parks, etc.

5.     Gardening

If you love flora and fauna, working at garden centers could be an appropriate job for fighting depression. The smell of flowers, working with clay, culturing soils, planting, feeding and fertilizing is both fulfilling and rewarding. For a depression patient, nothing is more beautiful than getting validation for their hard work. The same theory applies to garden work. You can find freelance gardening jobs in offices, hotels, restaurants, and residential colonies. The career pays good as well.

6.     Painting

Painting is one of the best stress busters and proven therapeutic hobbies. The result is similar to the effects of meditation. Therefore, if you love painting and sketching, you should find a job at a local art gallery and explore opportunities. If you are not after the remuneration, then you can also volunteer to act as a guide.

7.     Dog training

Animals, especially dogs, are used for therapeutic treatments for trauma, anxiety disorder, dementia, and depression cases. Dogs have a naturally calming influence on people. Research shows that just by stroking an animal, your body releases a hormone, oxytocin, which is known as the feel-good hormone that fights depression significantly.

Therefore, dog training is a great way to de-stress and relieve from depression while making an income. However, you must be a certified dog trainer and have enough experience to offer classes.

8.     Dog Walking and Dog Sitting

Dog walking and dog sitting jobs are perfect jobs to calm the saddened and anxious minds. You can take this up as freelance work and set your own timings and rules.  However, you must apply for Public Liability Insurance, lest the dog causes under your care.

9.     Librarian

Quite an irony it is – avid readers are prone to depression but working in a very calming environment, like a library, can ease out the anxiety. So, if you like reading, then look for jobs at local libraries. You will be able to do both – offer good reads to others and pick new best sellers for you.

10. Graphic Designing

Graphic designing has progressed commendably in recent times. It is an art, which is performed digitally, with the use of digital tools and software. You can work from home or with a company – the choice is yours. It is one of the six- highest paying careers. Hence, if you know to use Adobe Photoshop and other designing tools, you can think of becoming a graphic designer.

11. Food Blogging

Food blogging is a delicious and fulfilling job that people with depression can consider. With so many digital platforms budding, it should not be difficult to start food blogging. All you need is to decide whether you want to cook and share your recipes through blogs or taste food in hotels/restaurants around your city and post reviews about them.

Job to Avoids

Depression at the workplace is one of the top concerns currently. To make it easier for you, we have listed here a list of jobs you must avoid:

Stressful Jobs – Highly stressful occupations aren’t recommended for people with depression. Such jobs include social working, jobs in healthcare, law, and jobs where you are regularly exposed to sad situations.

Boring Jobs – Jobs that do not stimulate your senses, such as data entry and boring tasks that do not allow you enough breaks.  You need a job that offers you the right balance, something that you are passionate about and gives you a purpose.

Jobs with Difficult Employer –An intimidating and demanding employer, who is not a team leader but a dominant and non-empathetic boss, who limits you from exploring your skills, can cause you depression.  Some of the warning signs that can help you to screen such bosses or peers include:

         Disrespectful communication over email

         Bad working conditions (companies that are too desperate to hire you)

         Constant fights between teams and team members

         A bad reputation of the company

Additionally, avoid jobs that offer low wages and that disrespects your caliber. High-risk jobs that aggravate depression are healthcare jobs, teaching, administration jobs, social work, caregiving, such as nursing, and maintenance jobs.

This blog essentially covers the top 11 jobs for people with depression. If you know anyone who is fighting this illness, do share the post and help people cope up with life.