A Complete Guide – Selenium Certification

selenium cert

Overview of the Certification

Selenium is an open-source testing framework used to validate web applications across different platforms. It also provides a domain-specific test language for writing tests in a number of popular programming languages, including C#, Groovy, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Scala. Selenium Certification Training has been designed to help developers, and manual testers learn how to automate web applications with a robust framework, and integrate it within the DevOps processes of an organization

Selenium Certification Training usually starts with a refresher course on core Java concepts and covers the basics of Test Automation and its importance in the industry. Special focus is given on building a robust framework with Page Object Design Pattern, Data-Driven Approach, and creating reusable components to improve productivity. It can work with Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera & can simulate human-like behavior. It can interact with different components of a web page & the functionalities of Selenium tests can quickly catch new as well as reappearing old bugs.

There is no certifying body for Selenium Training. This means that, while many providers offer varying training in Selenium, there is no industry standard for this certification training.

Abilities Validated by Selenium Certification Training

This course will enable you to:

  • Revise the Core Java concepts essential for learning Selenium WebDriver
  • Understand the scope of test automation in DevOps and its fundamentals
  • Create test cases using Selenium IDE – Record and Playback tool
  • Understand Selenium WebDriver architecture and various layers of interaction
  • Set up WebDriver project in Eclipse and write test cases using TestNG
  • Locate elements using various locating techniques
  • Work with various WebDriver commands to drive web browser and WebElement commands to deal with certain web components
  • Learn to handle various possible scenarios related to pop-ups, multiple windows, frames, and taking screenshots
  • Implement Page Object Design Pattern and Data-Driven Testing
  • Understand how to use Maven, ANT, AutoIT, Sikuli, log4j, and listeners
  • Learn to use Selenium Grid with TestNG for parallel execution
  • Execute a project from scratch by building automation framework and automating a few test scenarios

Selenium Training includes:

  • In-depth knowledge of concepts such as WebDriver, TestNG, Wait, locating techniques, AutoIT, Sikuli, Page Object Design Pattern, mobile testing, and Selenium Grid.
  • A project where you create the test automation for an e-commerce application with a framework and reporting.

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Who is This Training For?

The Selenium Certification Training is ideal for test managers, test engineers, test lead, test analysts, quality assurance engineers, software developers, and engineers who want to learn automation testing with Selenium. According to ISTQB, “If you are a tester mainly focused on manual testing and want to step into the world of test automation, this course is for you.

If you are a test automation engineer who has just started with Selenium or you have done test automation with other tools, and now want to explore Selenium, this course is for you. If you are an engineer with an intermediate level of Selenium knowledge and require some support on how the Selenium components best fit together for professional Selenium-based automation, this course is also for you.”

Basic Prerequisites for Selenium Certification Training

Basic knowledge of Eclipse is recommended. Basic knowledge of core Java is mandatory (refer to Java knowledge prerequisites at the end of this document. Most Selenium certification courses offer refresher courses in Java. However, it is ideal to have prior knowledge and experience of Java for easier access to the course.

Syllabus for Selenium Certification

Since there is no governing body or standard syllabus, it becomes tough to choose a training provider. Each of them provides different ways for similar subjects. It depends on the requirements you have from your role. For example, V Skills has an exhaustive syllabus covered. It includes

Software Testing Introduction

  • Why to Test Software
  • Testing Terminology
  • Test Organization
  • Software Framework
  • Test Framework
  • Test Automation for Web Applications
  • To Automate or Not to Automate?

Web Development Basics

  • Web Application
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Document Object Model (DOM)
  • XPath
  • Popular Web Browsers
  • Inspecting Elements in Browser
  • Java Programming Language

Selenium Introduction

  • Introducing Selenium
  • Brief History of The Selenium Project
  • Selenium’s Tool Suite
  • Choosing Selenium Tool
  • Supported Browsers and Platforms
  • Flexibility and Extensibility
  • Test Frameworks Types (Data-Driven, Keyword Driven, Hybrid Framework)

Selenium WebDriver

  • Selenium 3.0
  • How Does WebDriver ‘Drive’
  • WebDriver and the Selenium-Server
  • Setting Up a Selenium-WebDriver Project
  • Selenium-WebDriver API by Example
  • Selenium-WebDriver API Commands and Operations
  • Handling Action Events
  • Gecko Driver
  • Firefox Driver
  • Internet Explorer Driver
  • Chrome Driver
  • Opera Driver
  • iOS Driver
  • Android Driver
  • Standalone Selenium Server with Remote Drivers
  • Remote Web Driver

Advanced WebDriver

  • Advanced User Interactions
  • Browser Manipulation (Cookies, Profiles and Plugins)
  • Event Listeners
  • HTML5
  • Parallelizing Test Runs
  • Mobile Web Apps Testing
  • Parameterization
  • Read data from Excel sheet
  • Handle Dynamic Web-elements
  • Handle Keyboard Events

Test Design Considerations

  • Introducing Test Design
  • Types of Tests
  • Validating Results
  • Location Strategies
  • Wrapping Selenium Calls
  • UI Mapping
  • Page Object Design Pattern
  • Data Driven Testing
  • Database Validation
  • Exception Handling
  • Logging and Reporting


  • Grid Basics
  • What is Selenium Grid?
  • Selenium-Grid 2.0
  • Selenium-Grid 1.0
  • How Selenium-Grid Works–With a Hub and Nodes
  • Installation
  • Starting Selenium-Grid
  • Configuring Selenium-Grid
  • Getting Command-Line Help
  • Common Errors
  • Hub Diagnostic Messages


  • Introduction
  • Actions
  • Accessors/Assertions
  • Locator Strategies

Integrations with Selenium

  • Jenkins
  • AutoIT
  • Maven
  • TestNG, Junit
  • Configuration Management Tools


  • Selenium 1 (Selenium RC)
  • Selenium-IDE
  • Selenium 4 and 5
  • W3C WebDriver

Is Selenium Certification Worth It?

As Simpli Learn records, “The Selenium Certification holds a lot of value in the market, as web testing has become increasingly popular with the widespread use of web components in addition to Chrome, Mozilla, and Edge blocking APIs. The number of interested job seekers with Selenium skills has been steadily rising over the past couple of years, according to job site Indeed. These positions typically attract lucrative annual salaries, ranging from $68,000 for quality assurance analyst jobs to $94,000 for automation engineer roles(1).

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About the Exam

Several training providers have their own version of examination. Providers like Simpli Learn insist on a project as well while providers like ISTQB don’t. The questions range between 40 and 50. The time for the exam ranges between 60 minutes and 75 minutes. However, for most providers, the exam pass percentage has remained constant at 65% give or take 5%. The exam is administered online or at a test center

Where to Get Online Resources?

Training providers include Udemy, Edureka, Simpli Learn, V Skills, ISTQB etc. that offer similar types of services in their own fashion along with the training material and other resources.