How to Make Money Quickly as a Freelancer Developer

How to Make Money Quickly as a Freelancer Developer

We have surpassed the traditional working pattern. As days’ pass, we have come to realise that the 9 to6 job is not the “in” thing for a developer anymore. You can be a successful freelance developer or an expert in the subject; however it doesn’t mean you should work on every single project that comes your way.

You should curate a small list of work that directly enhances your specific skill set, work that you guarantee to complete with utter precision. You have to be smart at your work and know how to make money quickly as a freelance developer.

But worry not, we have mentioned in the blog ways to make a freelance developer an expert – who works smarter and not harder to make quick money.

Ways to Make Money Quickly as a Freelance Developer

Join Websites that Seek Freelance Developers

There are already a lot of people out on networks such as Upwork, Fiverr, LinkedIn, PeoplePerHour and Codeable, who are looking for qualified developers. This saves your time from chasing down new clients and sending out proposal to them, considerably.

Most prominent websites among these also ensure that you work tension free by taking care of your billing account. So you don’t have to worry about your payments either; just concentrate on maximising your time in delivering qualifying projects. In return these networks retain a small portion of your total income, say about 10%, for the unlimited leads they supply.

2. Be an Expert

A gynaecologist as well as a cardiologist is a doctor. But do you think the former feel less of himself just because he can deliver a baby but not perform an open heart surgery and vice versa? No right? Similarly, you are a developer but you do have an expertise in a particular aspect.

Wear it like a badge; be honest about your capabilities. You cannot do it all. If you are an ace in WordPress development do promote the skill. Having said that, as a freelance developer you cannot stretch yourself too thin or else you will end up doing too many small tasks and get paid ‘nothing’.

3. Build a Brand Around your Name

The harsh reality of a freelancer – No one knows you. Why should they choose you? Why should they trust you?

But don’t lose heart. The first few months of freelancing career is embracing the culture, you will be able to convert only 5 – 7% of the leads to potential customers. That’s perfectly normal.

What should you do? – Create a portfolio website, mention your services, educational qualification, projects completed and blogs that you have written and give it a personality. Engage with many clients and accept as many projects that you know you can complete on time. Charge minimal in the beginning and as you get recognised, double or even triple your charges.

4. Show Your Effort

The best gift a freelancer gets is the flexibility of time. You can dedicate 20 hours a week to 50 hours a week – totally upto you, but at the same time you also get to choose which 50 hours these are going to be.

However, since you work alone as a freelancer, you may not have any boss or mentor to guide you or instruct you to work meticulously. It’s your time, ethics and energy but these 3 are going to be the fundamental of your career’s building block.

5. Build Your Network Connections

Here’s the thing – unlike a regular development job, you won’t be backed by a team of marketing executives who would serve you with ready-made project requirements. Therefore, you have to build your own network of clients who would give your referrals and great associations.

Referral is the backbone of a freelancer. If you are qualified and trustworthy enough, no one will hesitate to recommend you. As you continue to grow, your network will also grow.

In fact you will start getting more private referrals in a matter of two years – projects that are generally shared with one or two exclusive professionals. The perks are drastically reduced competition and reduced hours in chasing other clients for new projects.

6. Join Affiliated Programs to Earn More Money

If you have the knowledge and experience which are been consistently sought by vendors and clients then consider joining affiliated programs to earn more for your advice. There are many sites such as Amazon and GoDaddy that conduct affiliated programs. Consider them as potential opportunities, so don’t just give unsolicited advices with the sole interest of increasing your bank account balance.

Clients may ask you suggestions on the vendors, the content writers or SEO partner you use for development and design process.  Make sure you endorse only those products and services to your clients which you have actually used. Remember, don’t be a spammer just to earn few dollars more; clients can easily sniff nonsense from across the world.

7. Connect at a Personal Level

Your business is your best friend. If your business is thriving, you will be professionally happy, personally happy and mentally healthy. Create a networking ambience such that your clients are able to quickly get in touch with you. Share as many contact details as you can – Phone number, Facebook profile, Skype Id, Email address and so on.

Create a direct line of communication with your clients. From time to time give them regular updates about new services or any progress you made that’s worth telling. You can also include personalised greetings during special occasions and discounts on your existing services to add value to your relationships. Understand that clients are everything in a freelance career. You can’t turn your back against them.


  1. Budget your Life Around Your Freelance Job

Finally, if you are planning to make the big leap from full time to freelance, you must be prepared for the first 2 -3 months of less or no earnings without learning any hard lesson. Make sure you are financially capable of handling the next several months smoothly, including the rent, the car EMI, the bills etc.

If you really want to switch, make a clean transition. Start by working post your usual office timings for a couple of hours initially and then gradually drift into full time freelancing.