Tips on Writing a Successful Facebook Ad Campaign and Sail Smooth

tips for successful freelancing

Facebook is the most effective way of reaching your ideal customer, but most of you are already tired of losing money on Facebook ads. Many freelance digital marketers, just like you, produce new ad campaigns every day, hoping to find the perfect square foot of customers. But for some reason, even with hundreds of tweaks, images, use of interest and demographics, ads don’t turn out to be profitable.

Kind of saddening, isn’t it? Not really…not anymore…

What if we told you that you really can create the most profitable and highly engaging Facebook ad campaigns? And if you are not advertising on Facebook already, then you should be. Because, seriously, as a freelance digital marketer you won’t have to look beyond and above Facebook ads if you know how to use them for your benefit.

In this blog, Careerlancer will give you tips that will help you approach users on the magnum social media platform in a different way, using the same ad campaigns you have created. This blog is specially curated for those freelance digital marketers who have just started their career.

Use These 5 Compelling Tips on Writing a Successful Facebook Ad Campaign and Sail Smooth

1. How Well Do You Know Your Ideal Customers? Define Them!

Like really, how well do you actually know your targeted viewers? Can you really define your ideal customer? Facebook knows all of your customers – from likes to dislikes, even to their recent activities. So, you have to start building out your customer profile, like an Avatar, a painting of your ideal customer. Start with age, gender, interest, location, likes, dislikes, socioeconomic information and psychographic.

Once done, look at the bulk of your current customers and figure out what is common between your avatar and them. This valuable piece of information can help you build a great targeted Facebook Ad Campaign.

For instance, if you are a clothing brand and your ideal avatar features a bubbly 21-year-old girl with funky dressing sense, check how many of your existing customers are either between 21 and  23 ages, a girl or have colorful and out of the box fashion sense. Once you establish your ratio, you can pitch your campaign accordingly.

2. Influence Your Current Customer Who Does Business with You

This is one of the most important aspects of Facebook ad campaigns you have to keep in mind. You should retrieve the current customer data from your CRM, customers who already do business with you. This information can be taken and uploaded on Facebook to create great ad campaigns.

For instance, with Facebook’s Custom Audience feature, you can actually super-serve your current customer’s ads and personalize them to people who are already associated with your business. With the help of CRM, you will virtually remove all those customer contacts that haven’t done business in the past with you. And this will help you create only specific Facebook Ads to please your existing clients alone. When you target Ad campaigns to old clients, you can super-serve them with discounts, custom offers, and additional benefits.

3. Make a Good Offer – an Offer will Make or Break a Campaign

If you have a good offer in place, the chances of getting more customers boost twice as much, which in return pays off for the ad campaign you created.  To make great offers, you have to appeal to customers emotionally.

So, here are two great offers options. Which one would you choose?

Offer Option 1: End of Season Sales; 50% off on all shirts and footwear.

Offer Option 2: Flat 50% off on all t-shirts and school shoes. Every purchase provides books for underprivileged children.

So, which offer was better? Both had a 50% discount, but the 2nd offer sold the products without selling as it was emotionally connected. The simple fact of buying books for underprivileged children will entice you to buy the t-shirt, especially if you are a children lover.

Well, this doesn’t imply that you should start a charity through your Facebook Ad Campaigns. But it definitely means that you should sweeten your offer in a way that people should not feel that you are selling something.

4. Use the Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel tracks down important actions taken on your website and you can use those actions to attract new customers. If you don’t have Facebook pixel already installed in your website, do it now. With Facebook Pixel, you can run product catalog campaigns, conversation campaigns and evaluate which ads perform best in the platform.

For example, let’s take conversation campaign as a topic for discussion. Conversation Campaigns offer ads to only those people Facebook thinks who will likely take specific action on your website. These are otherwise called as events. Facebook Conversation Campaigns provide 9 different standards of events.

Again, for example, let’s consider your website an e-commerce platform. We create 3 events for your customers who go online, such as ‘View Content’ (customer who view your products), ‘Add to Cart’ (customers who add products to their cart and ‘check-out’ (customers who eventually purchase the product).

Conversation campaigns help you to see how many times the actions are taken and then build a campaign that desires to achieve more of Event no. 3.

5. Facebook Catalogue Campaigns – Install a Product Data Feed

To run valuable advertising campaigns like Facebook Catalogue Campaigns, you have to install a product data feed on your website. Most website development platforms like Shopify, Magento and Woocommerce come with plug-ins that create product data feed. You can use them for your Facebook PCC or for other advertising campaigns like Google Shopping.

These campaigns help you to serve dynamic products ads to consumers on Facebook. Plus, Facebook PCC is must if you are displaying inventory online. The Catalogue Campaigns focus on:

  1. Target customers who performed ‘add to cart’ event but abandoned the product and failed to ‘Check out’.
  2. Target website visitors who though did not add any product to the cart but looked at a particular piece from the inventory for more than few minutes.
  3. Upsell products based on the views pieces of inventory received within a specific number of days.
  4. Cross-sell ad campaigns to people for products regularly brought together (Examples: pen and pencils, bat and ball, books and bookmarks etc.).

Now that you know what Facebook can do, leave a comment to let us know which approach helped you the most in your Facebook Marketing.